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2024 Muster Round-up

We have been overwhelmed by the response for the first year of The Great Matuku Muster - proving citizen science works the coordinated counts are connecting our communities with Bittern and with their wetlands.

THANK YOU to each and everyone of you who helped make Bittern count in 2024!

TGMM 11 Feb 25 .png

 RESULTS, by region or district.

All of the muster data that we know of is in! Here's a map showing the regions or districts that have bittern (green pins) and where we had people on the ground but no bittern (brown pins).

We have had a number of areas that carried out monitoring using ARD's (Automatic or Acoustic Recording Devices) independently, we wanted to show these as there is significant effort and sometimes numbers of bittern in areas that weren't monitored as part of the muster directly, these are shown as (blue pins).

The pins are indications of the region/district the results were recorded in and not exact locations of bittern. 

If you think we are missing your data/ have ARD data that you'd like to add let us know!

Love Bittern is a project dedicated to helping community-led conservation of Australasian bittern | Matuku-hūrepo (Botaurus poiciloptilus) in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

​It takes a community to save a species - we gather and share our collective knowledge with people and communities around Aotearoa New Zealand to help save Bittern from extinction.

Contact us to join our Love Bittern whānau.

© 2025 Love Bittern Project
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Wendy Ambury

T: 022 526 1972


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